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Month: November 2018

2018 November Meeting

The next meeting of Northgate CERT is next week, on Wednesday November 7th at the LDS Church at 100 Northgate Road Walnut Creek CA 94598 from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.
Door Prize – We are pleased to announce a lucky person attending this meeting will win a prize – an emergency toilet bucket (or another emergency supplies if you already have a bucket). Thank you to Beth Smith and other CERT volunteers who helped the county assemble and distribute emergency supplies buckets for a Senior Citizens forum. In gratitude for CERT support we received the surplus emergency supplies!

You are the Help Until Help Arrives Training
FEMA released a new 3-hour training called “You are the Help Until Help Arrives” last year.  This class focuses on teaching participants 5 key steps that can save a life during an emergency:

  • Call 9-1-1
  • Stay Safe
  • Stop the Bleeding
  • Position the Injured
  • Provide Comfort

You can download the training materials here:  This class was delivered at the National CERT Conference in Florida and had great reviews. 

A big THANK YOU to the NG CERTs who volunteered for Community Service Day – Dale Blodgett, Judy Dommer, Donna Feehan, Don Feehan, Judy McCahon, Andy Schneit, & Beth Smith. Special thanks to Donna and Don for managing the NG teams and distribution materials! And thank you to Patricia Goglia for marking maps & laying out the efficient routes for teams to follow in the NG area.

Anyone with orders and checks for the See’s Candy fundraiser may drop off at this meeting. 

At this meeting we will refresh our CERT triage skills using the triage homework from the Basic training Med Ops class.  To refresh your triage skills at home, download this pdf version of the homework.

Upcoming events:

  • See’s Candy Fundraiser – orders & payments due to Amanda Feher by November 7.
  • “HAM CRAM” FCC radio licensing class Nov 3, 2018 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM Hillside Clubhouse (Rossmoor), Vista Room 3400m Golden Rain Rd Walnut Creek CA. Get your FCC HAM radio license in 1 day. Student fee is $35 payable at the door. It includes all study material, FCC Exam fee and license fee, free additional re-testing, plus coffee and juice, breakfast, pizza or hoagie lunch with refreshments. Pre-registration is required at 

Notes from October NG General Meeting – 

We discussed the upcoming Community Service Day on Saturday October 13, 2018. This countywide Emergency Planning Outreach to Care Facilities Project will use volunteers to distribute information to the care facilities in each CERT area. 

Unfortunately the Oct. 2018 Training and its Graduation Drill have been cancelled due to low enrollment. Registration for the Spring 2019 classes is open at <>
Amanda Feher discussed the See’s Candy CERT 2018 Winter Fundraising. 

A big THANK YOU to the NG CERTs who volunteered for the Walnut Festival. We expect an appreciation donation check soon from the Walnut Festival Association.
Beth Smith led the group in verifying contents of the Field Team, bags and stocking them with supplies gathered by the Eagle Scouts. [After the meeting Judy Dommer helped Beth finish assembling the bags.]

See’s Candy Fundraiser

Don’t forget to place your orders for the See’s candy fundraiser.

Deadline for submitting orders and payment extended to Nov. 7th.


This is a fun, easy, convenient, delicious way to raise $ for CERT. Last time we did this we raised $1000.

Start selling candy today using the linked PDF form below:

Give your orders and payments to Amanda Feher by end of day Wednesday November 7th.

Fundraising Basics:

1.  CERTs sell See’s Candy for the same price that it is sold in the store

2.  Candy will be delivered to your home by December 1st (early enough to pass some out for holiday/end of year gifts!).

Think how happy you will be not to fight for a parking space or wait in line come December!

CERT will make 22% on sales greater than $500. If we get orders for less than $500 we will call it off.

How we do this:

1.  See attached flyer.  Front of the flyer is the candy that See’s is offering this year.  Back of the flyer is where orders are tracked-who bought what type of candy and how much they paid.

2.  You offer the sale of the candy to family, friends, coworkers – the people you know.

3.  Customers pay cash or make out checks to “City of Walnut Creek”

CANDY MUST BE PAID FOR WHEN ORDERED – this is why we sell to people we know – don’t want to worry about bounced checks.

4.  Two ways to turn the checks and orders in: