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2021 August Meeting

We finally met IN PERSON at the cache on a cool September 1 evening.  We dragged out the NEW orange box, a solar-powered battery for use primarily with radios.  It has several connections: the power pole, USB devices and a car lighter.  We also assembled the 4 hands-free hand washing stations (3 are of 1 design, the 4th of an earlier design).  The attached photos show the stations in operation.  Note that in an actual cache setup, the bucket will be on a table.  It was hard for one person to wash hands while kneeling on the ground and trying to pump the water.  It is normally a 1-person operation.

Next meeting will be October 6 at 7 p.m. either by Zoom or at the Mormon church.  It will be too cold and dark to meet at the cache – well, too dark anyway!

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